Shipping & Donation clarifications
over 1 year ago
– Thu, Apr 27, 2023 at 11:25:47 PM
Thank you to all donors!
In order to make it easier for us, we ask each donor to send us an email at [email protected] specifying the amount of your donation, and the email address used for your Backerkit account.
Some people are wondering, QML is no longer in charge of the shipping but another structure, less expensive, in which the 3 pallets are already transferred.
We hope a first wave of shipments can take place next week.
Merci à tous les donateurs !
Afin de nous faciliter la tâche nous demandons à vous, chaque donateur, de nous envoyer un courriel à l'adresse [email protected] en précisant le montant de votre don et l'adresse courriel utilisée pour votre compte Backerkit.
Certains se posent la question, ce n'est en effet plus QML qui est en charge de l'expédition mais une autre structure, moins onéreuse dans laquelle les 3 palettes sont déjà transférées.
Nous espérons qu'une première vague d'envois pourra avoir lieu la semaine prochaine.
Shipping & donations
over 1 year ago
– Sun, Apr 23, 2023 at 11:54:20 PM
We have found a solution that will reduce the cost of shipping and as we told you previously, we also ask for an additional participation of $10 following your suggestions on the Go Fund Me site:
The sending of the parcels will start as soon as the first donations arrive, by order of payment of this additional participation.
Nous avons trouvé une solution qui permettra de réduire les coûts d'envoi et comme nous vous l'indiquions précédemment, nous vous demandons une participation exceptionnelle de $10 que vous pouvez verser, suite à vos suggestions, sur le site Go Fund Me :
L'envoi des colis commencera dès que les premières donations arriveront, par ordre de paiement de la participation exceptionnelle.
almost 2 years ago
– Wed, Feb 08, 2023 at 12:01:26 AM
We want to clarify 2 very important points:
1) First, the miniatures/games/add-ons are in the US stock.
Here is the proof that all the products are in the QML warehouse.
2) The insane cost to ship the parcels:
Quartermaster Logistics charges us $14700 to deliver your packages! (this includes the international freight from France to USA). About 250 of you have not been delivered. So it cost arround $60 per parcel! Higher than the Miniatures price.
The amount of the transport you paid is a little less than 4000 euros. That is an additional cost of about 10000 euros depending on the dollar rate : this is why ASYNCRON has been in discussion since May to find a solution for payment in installments. It turns out that QML does not want to offer this possibility and given the context, ASYNCRON can absolutely not support such an additional cost!
So what can we do?
A) Some of you would be ready to pay the extra cost directly to QML. To be clear, if such a solution would unblock the situation, we are more than willing to ask QML but we think we already know the answer, unfortunately.
B) Others propose to split the difference. It means around 10k to pay for ASYNCRON. This stays a uncomfortable solution for ASYNCRON except if QML grants us to split the payment in 2.
C) Finally, We are working on a third hybrid option which might reduce the cost and ask you $10 of extra shipping. We cross fingers to have this option enable and end this sad story by end of March.
We are deeply sorry for this situation wich isn't confortable neither for you, neither for us. More news in the few days.
Costs | Coût
about 2 years ago
– Sun, Nov 27, 2022 at 06:29:58 PM
The situation is as follows.
A. The amount of your pledges was used to produce what you pledged for.
B. This amount was also spent to repatriate the games to France because it was very complicated to repatriate them directly to the USA.
C. This amount was finally used to pay for the shipping from France of all the elements necessary to compose your pledge in the USA.
D. All this stock has been stored at Quartermaster Logistics for several months.
As you can imagine, ASYNCRON games is, on the one hand, facing difficulties for more than 3 years now and is, on the other hand, like many other companies, in a hostile economic environment (consequences of the pandemic, aggression against Ukraine, prices increase, unfavorable dollar exchange rate...).
About 250 of you have not been delivered. The amount of the transport you paid is a little less than 4000 euros. Quartermaster Logistics charges us $12500 to deliver your packages. That is an additional cost of about 8000 euros depending on the dollar rate: this is why ASYNCRON has been in discussion since May to find a solution for payment in installments. It turns out that QML does not want to offer this possibility and given the context, ASYNCRON games can absolutely not support such an additional cost!
We are therefore looking into how we can ask you to pay in proportion to what you have already paid and we are asking BackerKit to set up this system in the near future, probably from early December. From then on, shipments can be made. We have no interest in not delivering what you pledged, and we have no interest in repatriate to France all these games present in the USA.
La situation est la suivante.
A. Le montant de vos souscriptions a servi à produire ce pour quoi vous avez souscrit.
B. Ce montant a aussi été dépensé afin de rapatrier les jeux en France car il était très compliqué de faire un rapatriement directement vers les USA.
C. Ce montant a enfin été utilisé pour payer l'envoi depuis la France vers les USA de tous les éléments nécessaires à la composition de vos souscription.
D. Tout ce stock est entreposé chez Quartermaster Logistics depuis plusieurs mois.
Comme vous l'imaginez très bien, ASYNCRON games est, d'une part, confronté à des difficultés depuis plus de 3 ans maintenant et baigne, d'autre part, comme beaucoup d'autres sociétés, dans un environnement économique hostile (conséquences de la pandémie, agression de l'Ukraine, hausse des prix, cours du dollar défavorable...).
Vous êtes environ 250 à ne pas avoir été livrés. Le montant du transport que vous avez payé représente un peu moins de 4000 euros. Quartermaster Logistics demande $12500 pour livrer vos colis. Soit un surcoût d'environ 8000 euros selon le cours du dollar : c'est pourquoi ASYNCRON était en discussion depuis le mois de mai pour trouver une solution de paiement échelonné. Il s'avère que QML ne veut pas mettre en place cela,et compte-tenu du contexte, ASYNCRON games ne peut absolument pas supporter un tel surcoût !
Nous sommes donc en train de voir comment faire pour vous solliciter au prorata de ce que vous avez déjà réglé et nous questionnons BackerKit afin de mettre en place ce dispositif dans la foulée, probablement à partir de début décembre. A partir de là, les envois pourront se faire. ASYNCRON games n'a aucun intérêt à garder ce pour quoi vous avez souscrit et n'a aucun intérêt à rapatrier en France tous ces jeux présents aux USA.
Sea shipping across Atlantic
almost 3 years ago
– Thu, Apr 07, 2022 at 04:13:17 AM
Oyez ! Oyez ! Oyez !
Comme vous pouvez le voir, le navire est supposé arriver au port de Miami dans 10 jours.
Les Seigneurs de Fief.
Hear ye, Hear ye!
As you can see, the boat is planned to reach US in 10 days.
The Lords of Fief.