
FIEF France

Created by Welldone Asyncron

Free upgrade kits: please see the link below to find out how to get the FREE Upgrade kits for your old version of FIEF. Kits de mise à jour gratuits : merci de consulter le lient ci-dessous pour connaitre les modalités d'envoi des Kits gratuits. --> FIEF France giant mat: the cost to ship the Giant Mat can't be displayed on your Cart due to a system limitation. Please see the link below for further informations. Tapis géant FIEF France : une limitation de Backerkit ne nous permet pas d'afficher les frais de port additionnels du tapis géant dans votre panier. Merci de consulter ce lien ci-dessous pour plus d'informations. -->

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Update on the Family Bases design and a GIFT to You!
over 5 years ago – Sat, May 18, 2019 at 11:53:04 PM

Noble Backers, 

with this update we'd love to show you briefly the progress we are making into the design of the Family Bases, and what is going to happen before the end of the campaign.

Family Bases design

The Family Bases are being developed so to work well with the Titles System. We don't want unaesthetic plastic sticks (which were supposed to hold the Titles) coming out of the Bases when the Lord/Lady has no Titles yet; we'd also hate seeing the top layer Titles (King, Queen, Pope, Prince) "floating" above the rest of the Titles when there are not enough Titles to fill the whole plastic stiff. Other than that we wanted a miniature to stand even when the Lord has got no base yet (e.g. does not belong to any Family yet).

The Titles now stay in place on their own: each Title will have an interlocking system which allows to remove the plast stick we had envisioned. Instead each Title will be able to sit right on top of the previous, or stay there on its own, improving the overall visual appeal of the miniature.

The Family Base will also have a short, large plastic stick to keep the Lord in place: this allows for the Lord Miniature to stand even if the Lord has no Family yet.

Other than that, as previously shown, the Family Base will have 2 holes for the Staffs (Bishop/Archbishop) and for the Banners (Templar/Teutonic).

The FoS cards

As an update on the FoS card, we'd like to clarify that you will have x2 FoS cards included with your KS copy of FIEF France: there will be x2 identical copies of the same FoS card included on the new deck of Calamity card.

We also wanted to point out that some of you expressed the desire to see something different included in the new edition of FIEF. We want to confirm that FIEF was complete right from the start of the campaign. A few adjustments were made to increase a player's control over bad luck and we believe these will make for unforgettable moments during your plays of FIEF France. You may see our UPDATE #7 for details.

That's to confirm that we are not going to add anything official to the game design of FIEF.

A final gift to You

We'd love to thank you for the appreciative comments you've made concerning FIEF and the campaign in general.

Before the campaign launch we had announced we would have had only a few Stretch Goals. We've now unlocked 7 Stretch Goals and - as we've completed the Titles System - we do not plan to reveal other Stretch Goals.

Despite this we feel we really want to thank you for the amazing participation and support you provided during the campaign.

That's why we are planning to include a small gift to all the backers to be included to any pledger of this KS campaign. This is a unique card that will not be available anywhere after the KS campaign: not in our webstore, nor at conventions, or anywhere else, not even in the Pledge Manager.

This card has not been playtested, that's why you will be able to include it in your game only if you so desire - to modify your game experience; but it will be a memory to bring with you after this campaign ends, once you receive the rewards you pledged for. A gift from the Fief Lords, to their Noble Backers.

Tomorrow we are going to reveal the card that you will receive for your support and participation in this KS campaign through France's fiefs.

Signed, The Fief Lords.


Oyez ! Oyez ! Oyez !

Nous voulons vous montrer l'avancement de la conception de nos socles. Cette évolution est le fruit de vos remarques. 

Comme vous pouvez le voir, les titres du type Couronne viendront s'insérer les uns par dessus les autres. Toutes les couronnes conserveront leur trou central pour permettre l'insertion, sauf les couronnes de haut rang qui viendront chapeauter l'ensemble.

Nous remplaçons l'insert au centre du socle par un support. Ce sera plus robuste et cela nous permettra de nous tenir debout même lorsque nous serons orphelins.

Enfin, un deuxième trou permettra d'insérer un deuxième titre d'Evêque et par conséquent de nous permettre de devenir Archevêque.

Nous souhaitons par ailleurs vous préciser que la carte Fortune de Mer exclusive à cette campagne, et offerte, sera incluse en deux exemplaires à ajouter et à mélanger à votre pioche des cartes Evénements et Calamités.

Certains d'entre vous ont souhaité que des modifications soient réalisées concernant l'équilibre de FIEF. Cela n'a jamais été l'objectif de cette campagne. Vous pouvez consulter notre annonce n°7 pour plus de détails. Pour autant, rien ne vous empêche, bien au contraire, d'explorer vos propres variantes.

Enfin, nous souhaitons vous remercier.

Dès le départ, nous avions annoncé que de peu de paliers nous disposerions. Grâce à vous, tous ont été atteints. Vous nous avez supportés avec enthousiasme.

En guise de remerciements, nous allons vous offrir une carte que nous dévoilerons demain. Ce sera très probablement une carte Surprise si nous pouvons nous permettre ce jeu de mots. Elle sera unique et très exclusive puisque cette carte ne sera éditée que pour vous et plus jamais ensuite. Que Philippe nous en soit témoin.

Nous tenons juste à vous avertir que nous n'avons pas expérimenté cette carte et que nous ne garantissons pas un éventuel impact sur l'équilibre du jeu.

Prenez ce cadeau comme un souvenir unique que nous, les seigneurs de FIEF, souhaitons vous laisser en guise de gratitude pour nous avoir permis d'exister.

Merci pour votre soutien !

Les seigneurs de FIEF.

King, Queen, Prince, Pope's Crowns UNLOCKED... Titles System completed!
over 5 years ago – Fri, May 17, 2019 at 11:10:11 PM

Une version française sera envoyée dans l'après midi.  

Noble Lords,

the royal family: The King, The Queen, their Prince as well as the Pope will come and visit to meet our noble Lords. We are proud to announce that we've reached 60.000€ so we have unlocked the Crowns for the King, the Queen, the Prince and The Pope!!

These Titles sign the completion of the Titles System as we've envisioned. Thanks to the many upgraded components we've unlocked for our wonderful miniatures Your FIEF games shall never be the same anymore.

The Titles System is thus comprised by:

  • The King, The Queen, The Prince, The Pope's Crowns
  •  The Titled Baron/Count/Duke's Crowns,
  •  The Cardinals' Birettas,
  •  The Bishops' Staffs. 

Thanks to these components you'll find easier to see the:

  •  VPs count: The King's, The Pope's as well as The Baron/Count/Duke's Crowns will be yellow, so You'll see how many VPs are on the board at a glance,
  •  Vote count: it'll be easy to see which Lords may or may not vote (by matching their Crown with the Family Bases you'll know which player has those votes),
  •  Ransom count: it'll be easier to evaluate the ransom for a captive Lord.

but you may be asking...

What now?

Noble Backers, you've done an amazing job in unlocking the whole Title System. Your troops have worked well and brought home an incredible victory. 

That's why we want to go one step forward in our conquer of France, and give everyone something more. We are preparing some last rewards for You, that we will unlock together as the campaign comes to an end. Now, stay alert and look forward to our message with the announcement of what's coming next!!

Signed, The Fief Lords.

over 5 years ago – Fri, May 17, 2019 at 01:29:10 AM

Noble Backers,

As many of you anticipated for long, we are today announcing the arrival of Saladin himself, together with Banners and Titles for The Templar Lords and their Grand Master, for The Teutonic Knights and their Grand Master as well as for The Outremer Titles.

The Thematic Expansion Titles Set

We are proud to introduce you the Thematic Expansion Titles Set available as Add-on, to complement your Thematic Expansion box and replace its cardboard tokens with the following highly thematic 3D elements:

Note that If you get The Thematic Expansion Titles Set as Add-on, you will also get in any case the KS FIEF France Upgrade Kit (x6 archers tokens, x1 Strategist token) included FOR FREE.

To get this Addon simply increase your total pledge now by 13€, your credit will be automatically transferred to the Pledge Manager once the campaign finishes. The Add-on will be available in the Pledge Manager just like the other add-ons.

The Thematic Expansion Titles Set includes:

  • 1 Saladin’s 3D Miniature,
  • 5 Outremer FIEF Titles Crowns,
  • 1 Teutonic Grand Master Crown,
  • 4 Teutonic Banners,
  • 1 Templar Grand Master Crown,
  • 4 Templar Banners.

The Banners will be placed on the base instead of the Bishopric's Staff. We've also updated the Family Bases' design: they now allow have 2 holes so mark an Archbishop with 2 Bishopric's Staffs.

Please note that everything is still WIP (Work in Progress) and, in particular, that the final shape of the Crowns will be amended so to be unique and different from the other Crowns unlocked by Stretch Goals. These Titles will be of a light green color, so to identify that they are Outremer Titles, and still being able to count any VPs/Votes/Ransom count at a glance. 

Furthermore - due to manufacturing reasons - Saladin's miniature will only be available painted: in case someone needs the unpainted version, you will be able to express your preference in the Pledge Manager form you will receive once the campaign ends - we'll get in touch with you soon after.

Noble Backers, we are confident you will love the addition of the these thematic elements to enhance Your FIEF game. Let us know what you think in the Comments section.

Onward we go towards victory!

Signed, The Fief Lords.


Oyez ! Oyez ! Oyez !

Nous approchons déjà de la fin de cette campagne et lorsque nous regardons derrière nous, nous sommes fier du chemin parcouru. Cependant, le chemin qui reste à parcourir est passionnant et il pourrait nous emmener dans de lointaines contrées : nous avons entendu bon nombre d'entre vous à ce sujet.

Voici donc un complément afin que vous puissiez nous titrer d'Orient ou bien comme Grand Maître des Chevaliers Teutoniques ou comme Grand Maitre des Templiers. Vous pourrez aussi indiquer lesquels, d'entre nous, serons Chevaliers Teutoniques ou Templiers.

Enfin, un seigneur redoutable et respecté adversaire, viendra rejoindre le panthéon des figurines de FIEF : Saladin.

Pour bénéficier de ce complément, il faut ajouter 13 euros à votre souscription. A noter, pour ceux qui ont déjà le pack Extensions Thématiques, que le kit de mise à jour EXT THEM FIEF FRANCE est automatiquement offert si vous prenez ce complément.

Remarque n°1 : les étendards viendront se placer sur le socle à la place de la crosse d'évêque. 

Remarque n°2 : un deuxième trou sera percé sur le socle pour y placer une deuxième crosse  (archevêque).

Remarque n°3 : pour des raisons de logistique et de gestion, Saladin ne sera proposé que peint. Si vous souhaitez absolument la version non peinte, il faudra nous l'indiquer au moment du questionnaire qui vous sera envoyé via le gestionnaire de souscription.

Nous espérons que ce complément vous plaira et qu'il nous permettra d'atteindre rapidement le prochain palier.

Merci pour votre soutien !

Les seigneurs de FIEF.

Fief Title Crowns UNLOCKED and 7th SG: King, Queen, Prince, Pope's Crowns.
over 5 years ago – Wed, May 15, 2019 at 01:02:55 AM

Noble Backers,

We woke up in the morning and heard the news: our Lords have gained possess of the fiefs of France overnight (in Europe) and are now Titled Lords!! They are Barons, they are Counts, they are now Ducs. That's true, we have passed 54.000€ so we unlocked the Fief Title Crowns!!

The Crowns will not only be a thematic addition to you game, but will also let you see at a glance the VPs count, as well as the votes and ransom values of each Lord.

We've sent pigeons a long route to Paris to bring the news and advise the King, the Queen and the Prince. The royal family as well as the Pope will come and visit to meet our noble Lords. At 60.000€ we will unlock the Crowns for the King, the Queen, the Prince and The Pope!

Noble Backers, let's prepare to welcome the King, the Queen, the Prince and The Pope, as we work together toto unlock those wonderful Crowns at 60.000€.

Signed, The Fief Lords.


Oyez ! Oyez ! Oyez !

C'est au plus profond d'une nuit constellée d'étoiles que nous avons atteint le sixième palier. Nous pouvons dorénavant montrer avec fierté nos titres de FIEF où que nous soyons.

Le septième palier, dernier palier de cette série, nous permettra d'indiquer quels sont les seigneurs parmi nous qui avons les titres de plus haut rang.

Merci pour votre soutien !

Les seigneurs de FIEF.

Cardinals' Birettas UNLOCKED and 6th Stretch Goal: The FIEF TITLE CROWNS!
over 5 years ago – Mon, May 13, 2019 at 10:27:50 PM

Noble Backers,

Artur the Bishop has just advanced to become a Cardinal. We have reched another milestone: 50,000€ and unlocked the Cardinal's Birettas!! Now we may ask tithes from other Bishoprics and stop revolts just by throwing a handful of coins on the table ;)

As explained in the previous update on the Titles System design, the Birettas will be stacked on the side of the miniature, thanks to an extended Family Base. This way we will keep the functionality as well as a thematic approach to the system.

The next step on the Titles' System are the Fief Title Crowns. We will unlock these beautiful Crowns to provide to the Lords who own a Fief at 54,000€!!!

The Crowns will be available in 3 different shapes, so to identify the Barons, The Counts and the Dukes. Each Noble social class needs its own recognition, don't you think? Let us know your opinion in the comments section!

Noble Backers, keep up the amazing work done during this campaign! Onward we go towards unlocking these beautiful Fief Title Crowns at 54,000€!!!

Signed, The Fief Lords.


Oyez ! Oyez ! Oyez !

Le palier est atteint et les barrettes des cardinaux sont acquises !

Forgeons maintenant les couronnes qui nous permettrons de savoir qui d'entre nous possède FIEF et donne point de victoire à notre famille aimée.

Merci pour votre soutien !

Les seigneurs de FIEF.